Running and Sailing: Feeling Alive

For the past few days, I have been suffering through a bit of writer’s block. There are a wealth of topics I want to write on, but I am repeatedly failing to get exactly what I want to say on paper. I thought I would be able to simply and freely be able to put words to the page when writing for the blog in a way I can never do when I am writing academically. But I am finding that I have a different set of hang-ups that make blogging nearly as difficult as getting a couple pages of a chapter down.
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Preparing for Departure – Florida Charter

This is the second post about our charter off of Southwest Florida. As the first semester at my new position came to a close, I grew excited and a bit concerned about our first vacation afloat together. After all, everything I knew about sailing I had read in a book. I had no hands on experience of raising a mainsail, dropping a CRQ anchor, or heaving to. (Non-sailors see Part II of my sailing glossary below)
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Chesapeake Trip – Provisioning and More Preparation

This is the third in a series of posts about a trip I made to the Chesapeake on my old Catalina 22, Helbent, during the summer of 2011.

My folks had recently sold their house on the island, so when I first put the boat in the water, I had to sleep on her. That is not normally an issue, as I sleep on her in the slip a couple times a summer. But the arrangement was a little less conducive to a comfortable night’s rest when tools, rigging, parts, and everything else, including the mast, which was not yet raised, were all over the deck and cabin. Continue reading

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Lin Pardey’s Mackerel Loaf


While reading Lin Pardey’s Care and Feeding , one recipe in particular caught my attention: the salmon loaf. I am a sucker for canned fish, and I have experimented enough with canned salmon to have created a few meals I like. Continue reading

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Preparing for my first charter

We first began discussing chartering a boat during our short courtship. Jeff mentioned a few charters he had been a part of, with Captain Jim ( in the British Virgin Islands, which sounded like a blast. Clear water, fresh island fruit, rum tasting…. perhaps one day Jeff will write about how he got thrown out of the BVI’s!
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Chesapeake Trip – Preparation

This is the second in a series of posts about a trip I made to the Chesapeake on my old Catalina 22, Helbent, during the summer of 2011.

After driving twelve hours from New Mexico to Arkansas, I woke up the next morning and hurriedly took care of a number of things, including packing. By mid-afternoon I was back on the road for the seventeen hour drive to Jersey. As I drove through the night, I kept a pad next to me, writing quick notes about what needed to be done before we could depart. Despite a lengthy catalog of such things, my optimism held, and I continued to believe we would be setting sail in three or, maybe, four days.
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Chesapeake Trip – Planning

This is the first in a series of posts about a trip I made to the Chesapeake on my old Catalina 22, Helbent, during the summer of 2011.

The origins of the trip seem shrouded in mystery. I imagine the planning must have begun during any number of sails with Jonny in the summer of 2010, my first with Helbent. Undoubtedly, a few solo overnights on the bay, some telephone conversations, and a little research on fueled the idea through the summer and, after I returned to Arkansas, the fall.
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The Care and Feeding of Sailing Crew

While cruising from Yokohama, Japan to Victoria, British Columbia on a 4,500-mile, 49-day voyage, Lin Pardey, of s/v Seraffyn and Talesin, penned The Care And Feeding of the Sailing Crew . Covering a variety of important issues in a daily journal/recipe cook/how-to format, each entry sheds light on how she and her husband Larry live aboard a 24’ sailboat they built in the early 1970’s. Each day outlines miles covered, weather, and sea conditions, as well as meals prepared. This framework works seamlessly as a springboard for further inquiry into topics such as provisioning, cruising budgets, water usage and storage, outfitting a galley, cooking for racing crew, customs and quarantine concerns as well as a myriad of other practical concerns for cruisers.
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Crafts for our cruising kitty!



Map-Crafts is our Etsy store where we sell handmade, customizable souvenirs with map and chart themes. Each purchase helps us get one step closer to our cruising goal! Please check out our handiwork and consider Map-Crafts for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, or as a way to treat yourself! We can make custom-crafted candles, light switch covers, lamp shades, gift boxes….the list is endless. Contact us through our Etsy page for more information.

Click here for more information: Map-Crafts

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Image Gallery

The Guest Post is where you will find photographs from a variety of our adventures.

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